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OWNA - All 4 Kids Personalised App


All 4 Kids Kindergarten PTY LTD is happy to introduce OWNA (A4K App) : a fantastic new app that captures your child’s learning and updates you directly! This is part of our commitment to providing your child with the best learning experience.


At the end of each day, OWNA allows us to easily share your child’s daycare experience, capture your child’s achievements throughout the day and inform you through photos, notes, and stories. OWNA saves time, for both you and our centres, allowing our educators to spend more time with your child.


Through a secure and private log-in, you will gain access to a snapshot of your child’s daily achievements, which complements the face-to-face and personal interaction you will be familiar with at our centres. 


Whether you have an iPhone, iPad, or Android-powered device like a Samsung , you can receive updates straight to your phone or smart device. OWNA also gives you the opportunity to send your thoughts and feedback straight back to your child’s centre so we can know your thoughts.


Through OWNA, you can look forward to amazing features such as:

  • Receiving photos of your child learning, playing, and interacting

  • Reading about your child’s day and keeping up-to-date with learning milestones

  • Quickly and easily communicating with us

  • Collaborating with us to improve your child’s learning experience


To take full advantage of OWNA, download the A4K app today

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